Questions: What is the maximum number of addresses that the same fax can be sent to simultaneously using the GeoPort for Power Macintosh (version 1.0) software?
Answers: Testing showed the Send To field can hold up to 145 recipients, although there is no specifically defined limit.
Questions: What is the ringer equivalence and ring signal frequency range of the GeoPort Adapter?
Answers: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the GeoPort Adapter is 0.7. In most areas, the total of the RENs of all devices connected shouldn’t exceed 5.0. Contact your local phone company to determine your local maximum. Exceeding the recommended maximum can cause unreliable operation of all devices on the line. In other words, if a call comes in, all of the devices may not ring or detect the call.
The GeoPort Adapter uses a ring frequency range from 14 Hz to 1200 Hz (wider than required by FCC Part 68).
Questions: Why does the GeoPort sometimes connect to a service and immediately disconnect?
Answers: Make sure you are using the software that comes with the GeoPort Telecom Adapter. The Express Modem Software 1.1.2 is compatible, but there’s much more software installed by the GeoPort Express Modem Installer than by the normal one. Software installed includes the Shared Library Manager, ASLM Resources, GeoPort Extension, GeoPort Telecom Adapter, and GeoPort Telecomm. Without these files, you can’t use the GeoPort Telecom Adapter.
If you installed the proper software and still experience problems with disconnects or aren’t connecting at all, try turning off error correction. You can do this with the modem command &Q0 in the modem string.
Questions: What is the difference between the modem port on a Macintosh and the GeoPort?
Answers: There are two primary differences:
• The standard modem port has connectors (pins) for in and out signals,
timing, and handshaking. The GeoPort adds a ninth pin for power to
an external device.
• The GeoPort also takes advantage of the power of the processor
(either the DSP processor in the Macintosh AV computers or the
PowerPC chip itself) to do telephone – either data or fax, or
even voice. A modem is just a line interface to the telephone
wire, a DSP to create the tones used, and software to run it.
The the DSP is on the motherboard, an inexpensive line interface
(like a GeoPod Telephone Adapter) can be used, with software to run
the modem.
This makes it cheaper to add a modem to a machine, and makes it
easy to enhance the modem through software to increase performance
or to accommodate new standards.
This article is one of many available through the Apple Fax center. For a complete list of available fax documents, search the Tech Info Library for Apple Fax Document Index or call the Apple Fax line at 1-800-505-0171 and select document number 20000 (Apple Fax - Document Index - Product Support Literature). The Apple Fax center is available free of charge 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.